


It all started In…

2004 after the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals – Health Standards and the State Long term Care Ombudsman co-sponsored a culture change conference at three locations across the state. Originally the group consisted of a small group of individuals representing Health Standards, State LTC Ombudsman, Quality Improvement Organization (QIO), and several representatives from for profit and not-for-profit nursing home providers from across the state of Louisiana. Unfortunately, the coalition lost momentum with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. However, during 2008 the coalition regained momentum and formally established itself as Louisiana’s culture change coalition.

Organizational Structure

501(c)(3) application – granted 2/21/2008

  • Voluntary Board of Directors consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer;

  • Current Organizations: AARP, Alzheimer’s Association, Department of Health and Hospitals,

  • Louisiana State University – School of Social Work, Quality Improvement Organization (QIO)

  • State LTC Ombudsman, University of LA Monroe – Institute of Gerontology.


LEADERS is currently funded through grants, donations, and revenue generated from our annual educational conference.

LEADERS has been granted 501(c)3 non-profit status by the IRS. Copies of the most recent annual report and application for exemption are available for public inspection on-line or upon request.